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Aesthetically and conceptually this game rules!!! I think making the avenues for the player to interrupt the enemies path more obvious/intuitive would go a long way in making this a more engaging game! A tower defense style game is a cool take on this theme!

yeah i totally agree, it's kind of ridiculous that we didn't even really think about that people might want to obstruct the paths. thank you so much for the nice words! :)

Graphics look very cute, you put alot of care in those. I know pathfinding limitations and all, but it really has a potential as a full on game. Maybe trees can be used to poke these flying pots or big pots may not fit through arches and stuff. Very good overall! Good luck on your game development journey!

Forgot to mention that MUSIC IS FIRE! Seriously what  food are you feeding your composer, because I want to try it too!

thank you so much for the kind words! I sadly have to say that we used some free-license audio but I have to agree that the track is really amazing hahahaha

Perhaps the game (or the description) could give a hint about what you should actually do to succeed. Given the option to enlarge objects, my first instinct was to enlarge rocks to block the way of the enemies - which, as noted in the description, crashes the game.

The visuals are really pretty though!

good point actually :D We'll update the description to include that if thats still possible, hahahaha :) Glad you still liked it!

Really fun concept!!

thank you so much!

Beautiful art style!

thank you so much! :D